Refinery Town: Power and Resistance

Richmond is a city in the United States with a great history of resistance, but this means that it also has a history of subjugation and abuse by what Andrés Soto calls the Corporate Cabal, led by the Chevron oil refinery. This video talks about Soto's experience in his hometown, and the importance of a united community to fight for the dignity of its inhabitants as well as for the future.

  • Categories:  Democracy and citizenship; Environment and Sustainability
  • Subjects: Education in social and community leaderships; Municipalism, local governments, public goods and services; Energy transition
  • Authorship: UAR Team (Audiovisual creation); Soto, Andrés (teacher)
  • User profile: Community and territory leaders/promoters; Enviromental leaders/promoters
  • Type of material: Videoclasses
  • Format: Audiovisual
  • Resource extension: 28 minutes