I think I need help
Case study of the Digital Course "Mental Health: the fourth wave of the pandemic" (2020) that tells a short fictional story of a young man who is an absent father with alcohol issues that sees his depression worsen due to the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. When he puts his emotions on paper he realizes he needs to ask for help.
- Categories: Health and Wellness
- Subjects: Mental health
- Authorship: UAR Team
- User profile: Leaders/promoters of healthcare
- Type of material: Case study
- Format: Text
- Resource extension: 1 page
- Resource size: 0.002 MB
- Main language: English
- Secondary language: Doesn’t apply
- Author’s rights: Derivative work
- Name of the original resource: Creo que necesito ayuda
- Date: 2020
- Autorship: UAR Team
- Publication date: 2024
- CREA Publication date: 2024
- Uploaded by: UAR Team
- Cell phone compatibility: Yes
- Accessibility for disabled people: Doesn’t apply
- Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International