Data policy and local governments
In this video-class, Patricio Urriola, Academic Director of the Diploma on Data Science, Local Governments and Territory at FLACSO-Chile, speaks about open-data related policies, their analytic and conceptual development, data governance, open data ecosystem, and cases and experiences both in Chile and abroad.
- Categories: Economic Development and World of Work; Democracy and Citizenship
- Subjects: Digital world and data science; Municipalism, local governments, public goods and services; Transparency and probity
- Authorship: UAR Team (audiovisual creation); Urriola, Patricio (teacher)
- User profile: Functionaries and professionals of the public network of services from Recoleta; Leaders/Promoters of citizen education and participation
- Type of material: Videoclasses
- Format: Audiovisual
- Resource extension: 37 minutes
- Resource size: 1080 MB
- Main language: English
- Secondary language: Doesn’t apply
- Author’s rights: Derivative work
- Name of the original resource: Política de datos y gobiernos locales
- Date: 2022
- Autorship: UAR Team (audiovisual creation); Urriola, Patricio (teacher)
- Publication date: 2022
- CREA Publication date: 2024
- Uploaded by: UAR Team
- Cell phone compatibility: Yes
- Accessibility for disabled people: Doesn’t apply
- Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International