A telephonic conversation and the fate of a sovereign nation
The year 1973, five days after the coup in Chile, thousands of miles away the president of the United States, Richard Nixon speaks on the phone with the Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. Both are main players in the destabilization and usurpation of the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. This is a dramatic recreation of that conversation, adapting it from a declassified CIA document.
- Categories: Cultures, Arts and Heritage; Democracy and citizenship
- Subjects: History; International relations, Human Rights and Memory
- Authorship: UAR Team
- User profile: Leaders/promoters of Human Rights Defense Groups
- Type of material: Case study
- Format: Audio
- Resource extension: 2 minutes
- Resource size: 24.7 MB
- Main language: English
- Secondary language: Doesn’t apply
- Author’s rights: Original work
- Publication date: 2024
- CREA Publication date: 2024
- Uploaded by: UAR Team
- Cell phone compatibility: Yes
- Accessibility for disabled people: Doesn’t apply
- Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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